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I can't believe she threw me under the
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like that.

"Threw under the bus" is a colloquial expression that means to betray or sacrifice someone for one's own benefit.

Edited: 1/23/2023


An idiom is a common word or phrase with a culturally understood meaning that differs from what its composite words' denotations would suggest; i.e. the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words.

By another definition, an idiom is a speech form or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements.

For example, an English speaker would understand the phrase "kick the bucket" to mean "to die" – and also to actually kick a bucket. Furthermore, they would understand when each meaning is being used in context.

C2 / Proficiency

A CEFR C2 level English language user is considered to be at Proficiency level. A C2 level English language user is expected to have an even higher level of proficiency than a C1 level user. They are expected to have the following abilities:

  • Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.
  • Can express themselves spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.
  • Can use the language effectively and appropriately in their professional and academic life.
  • Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices.
  • Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning.
  • Can express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.

At C2 level, English language users are expected to have a near-native level of proficiency. They should have a mastery of the language and have a full range of idiomatic expressions, colloquialism and cultural references. They should be able to understand and produce language with ease, even in highly complex situations. They should be able to communicate with native speakers with fluency, spontaneity and precision, showing an excellent command of the language. They should be able to use the language appropriately and effectively in academic and professional settings.

C2 | Proficiency.

C1 / Advanced

A CEFR C1 level English language user is considered to be at Advanced level. A C1 level English language user is expected to have the following abilities:

  • Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning
  • Can express themselves fluently and spontaneously, almost effortlessly.
  • Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
  • Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
  • Can understand specialized articles and longer technical instructions, even when they do not relate to their field.
  • Can use the language effectively and appropriately in their professional and academic life.

At C1 level, English language users are expected to have a high level of fluency and comprehension, with the ability to understand and produce complex language with ease. They should be able to communicate effectively in a variety of settings, both social and professional, using the language flexibly and appropriately. They should also be able to understand specialized texts and technical instructions with little difficulty.

C1 | Advanced.

Difficulty: Hard

Hard difficulty. Difficulty levels represent author's opinion about how hard a question or challenge is.