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All the grammar quiz and more!

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Learning English, aren't you? How about taking an English grammar test? Assess your CEFR level with our auto-generated, reusable test and receive personalized feedback on your grammar strengths and weaknesses. Take the test multiple times to track your progress and improve with ease.

We have a number of English "challenges" — practice exercises categorized with tags. Take any of them to validate your knowledge of English grammar. All challenge questions answers come with easily digestible explanations.

If you are interested in something specific, maybe a grammar catergory like verb tenses or a popular language test like IELTS or something else, use our fancy taxonomy browser to get challenges on whatever subject you want. Expand the categories under "Challenges by tag" to see all the topics.

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Challenges by tag

  • CEFR levels
  • Difficulty levels
  • English grammar
  • Other good stuff

Read more about the tags...

English Grammar is probably the most interesting tag tree here. If you are interested in improving your writing skills, you might want to expand different branches asking yourself questions like "Do I even understand what determiner means". If you don't feel that this is the case, you might click the tag to make sure. This set of tags comprises our current attempt to categorise English grammar. They are not set in stone, and we will continue to develop the taxonomy to be as useful as possible.

CEFR here stands for the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and it is a set of descriptors to help us to measure our ability at language.

Difficulty Levels reflect the respective authors' opinions about how difficult questions and challenges are.

Other good stuff is a catch-all category for what's left. International language tests, humor, idioms, you know, all these things with so much in common.


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